Get Better LC/MS Results and Save Money Too!

Pack your own LC/MS capillary columns.
See our capillary column packing kits.Load your samples into mass spectrometers without transfer loss or contact with metallic surfaces.
The Pressure Injection Cell, sometimes called a “bomb loader” enables controlled dispensing of small-volume liquid samples. Using high pressure, the pressure injection cell has proved invaluable for two applications: densely packing nanobore capillary columns with solid-phase particles; and precisely infusing microliter samples directly from microcentrifuge tubes into mass spectrometers without additional transfers, wasted sample, or contact with metallic surfaces which adsorb some negatively charged molecules such as peptides with phospho or carboxy groups.
The Pressure Injection Cell holds 1 mL and 2 mL micro-centrifuge tubes as well as 12 x 32 mm glass vials in its central chamber (as shown at right). The assembly can be used on a typical magnetic stirrer, e.g. to keep particles in suspension. The Pressure Injection Cells accept various sample tubes, including 0.5 mL, 1.5 mL, and 2.0 mL microcentrifuge tubes and 12 mm diameter glass vials. The cell needs to be connected to a bottle/tank of compressed gas, such as Helium or Nitrogen. Packing capillary columns requires several hundred to about 1000 psi or sometimes more, and mass spectrometer injections typically require a few hundred psi. This unit is rated for a 2500 psi. 8500 psi units are available.

Why pay hundreds of dollars per packed capillary column for LC/MS? You can pack the columns, of various internal diameters, yourself. The Pressure Injection Cell comes with instructions on how to pack columns and is available as a stand alone unit (with 9 extra ferrules), or as a complete kit with ferrules, 1/8″ stainless steel tubing, a spool of capillary, a cleaving tool, and a frit assembly, or as a partial kit.
Accurate Results
The Pressure Injection Cell is made with the finest methods and components, thereby enabling you to acquire very accurate data. The high quality stainless steel fittings and valve are made by Swagelok. The body and cap of the pressure chamber are nickel coated. Special features not found elsewhere include a recess in the cap to allow easy access to the sample tube and a hexagonal shape to help align the cap to the body. The Pressure Injection Cell’s simple, rugged design and the use of top components ensure years of trouble free use and quality performance.
High Value
The simple and reliable product design, efficient manufacturing, internet marketing, and our low overhead enable us to sell the Pressure Injection Cells at a price almost 50% less than competitors charge. We don’t skimp on quality; we make the best product available. However, we do pass the savings along to our customers.
Risk Free
The Pressure Injection Cell comes with a 30 day money back guarantee and a 2 year warranty.
Download Additional Information
- Download the Pressure Injection Cell brochure.
"We are very happy with the performance of our Next Advance pressure cell. Here are two representative total ion chromatograms generated from a capillary column using sub 2 micron, C18 particles and analyzed on a UPLC. As you can see the peak width is around 15 sec or less. We are getting this kind of resolution routinely from the columns packed by your pressure cell" Dr. Austin Yang, University of Maryland
"The pressure injection cell is really handy. I have two in my lab, one for packing capillaries and one for loading samples in my mass spec. Packing my own capillaries saves me hundreds of dollars on each one." Dr. Qishan Lin, Director of the Proteomics Core Facility The Center for Functional Genomics, University at Albany, New York
"Hey, it works great. I am getting much better resolution because of packing my own columns and using the cell to directly inject my samples. The first purchase in a long time that was well worth the money. It is well made and so easy to use. After I purchased the fittings to tie it all together, it's a snap!" Dr. Steve Mouton, Northrop Grumman Proteomics, Texas
"We're saving tons of money packing our own columns. It works great and it’s very user friendly." Dr. Kimberly McKinney, Carolinas Medical Center, North Carolina