Syringe Pump Programming

Syringe Pump General Operating Instructions

This document is meant to be a quick guide to use for operating Next Advance Syringe Pumps. For more detailed operating instructions, please see the full user manual. If you have any additional questions, please contact us at [email protected]

Note – To reset the pump, press and hold the right-most arrow key while turning the power on.

Loading the Syringe

  • Press in the white drive-nut button to move the pusher bar.
  • Insert the syringe plungers in the pusher bar bracket slots.
  • Insert the syringe barrel flange in the flange in the flange bracket slots with the syringe barrel holder lowered onto the syringes. Tighten the flange bracket onto the syringe flanges.

Changing Numerical Values on the Display

  • Each of the four arrows corresponds to a digit on the display. To change the decimal place, hold down the left most key until it is located where you need it to be.
  • Whenever you enter a new value, wait 2 seconds for the display to blink – this means that the new value is stored in memory.

Basic Programming

  • Rate– Press the “Rate” button to enter the rate at which you would like the syringe to infuse or withdraw. An or:01 error means that the pumping rate is out of range. The current units are indicated by the red lights. To change units, press the rate key twice. UNtS will appear in the display. Press any arrow key to change units. Rate can be changed while the unit is pumping.
  • Volume– Press the “Volume” button to enter the amount of liquid you would like for the syringe to withdraw or infuse. Pressing the “Volume” button twice will display the volume that has been dispensed so far (the “Dispensed” light will come on). To reset “volume dispensed” value, press and hold any arrow key while it is displayed, change the syringe diameter, or turn off the pump.
    If the volume is set to 0, the display will read “OFF”- this indicates that the instrument is set for continuous pumping.
    Default units are set according to the inside syringe diameter (diameters set from 0.1-14.0 mm will allow you to set volume units in µl, while diameters set from 14.01-50.00 mm will allow you to set volume units in ml). TO OVERRIDE DEFAULT VOLUME UNIT SETTINGS- Change the syringe diameter (this is the required first step). Press the “Volume” button twice to view volume dispensed. Press any arrow key and “UntS” will be displayed. Press arrow keys to toggle between ml and µl. Changing the diameter will not affect volume units until again until the system is reset.
  • Diameter– The inside diameter range of syringes that can be used in the pump is 0.1mm to 50.0mm. Press the diameter key once to set the value.
  • Direction– Syringe will be in infuse mode, until ” ->-><-<-” button is pressed and the “withdraw” light is lit. Direction can be changed while the unit is pumping if the “Volume to be Dispensed” is 0.0 (off). NOTE: This parameter is not available in the SP300 “Just infusion” syringe pump.
  • Start/Stop Press “Start/Stop” button to start pump. While pump is running, pressing the “Start/Stop” button will put the pump in pause mode (the “pumping” light will blink). Pressing the “Start/Stop” button again will cause the unit to resume the following the program. To start program over, shut down the power (the program will not be lost until the pump is reset). Holding down the “Start/Stop” button will cause the unit to purge the liquid in the syringe.

Parameter Set up

To change various parameters related to the general operation of the syringe pump, it is necessary to enter into “Setup” mode in order to view all of the options.
To enter “Setup” mode, press and hold down the “Diameter” button. Press any non-arrow key to toggle through selections. For parameters followed by a number, 0=off and 1=on.

PF  Power Failure mode. The pumping program will start again when power is reconnected.

Ln  Low Noise mode. This will decrease the noise emitted when the unit is pumping at low rates.

AL  Alarm Mode. If a program is ending or paused, the unit will beep continuously. If the unit stalls (if the pump is stopped by force) or encounters another alarm condition, the unit will emit a steady alarm (press any key to stop alarm).

ttL  TTL I/O external logic connector settings.

tr:aa  Operational Trigger default setting. “aa” is current setting. Can be used to control Foot Switch settings (see manual for more details).

dr:aa  Directional control setting. “aa” is current setting. Can be used to set up Reciprocating Pumps (“aa”=rE) or Dual Pump (“aa”=dU).

rUn.n   “Pump Motor Operating” TTL output pin configuration. “n” is the current setting. When n=0, this sets the output to logic high only when the motor is operating. When n=1 this sets the output to logic high when the motor is operating, or when the Pumping Program is executing a pause timer.

bP   Keypad Beep Enable. When this parameter is on, a short beep will sound when a key is pressed on keypad.

Ad:nn   RS-232 pump network address (“nn”=network address).
Press left-most arrow key to enter communications mode. Use any arrow to scroll through menu selections.

Addr  Address Mode. Default communications with a computer mode.

rECP  Reciprocating Pumps. Sends start/stop, pumping rate, and reverse pumping direction to an attached secondary pump.

dUAL  Dual Pumps. Sends start/stop, pumping rate and same pumping direction to an attached secondary pump.

Multiple Phase Programming

You can program multiple phase pumping cycles up to 41 phases. Each phase consists of a control or pumping function.

  • To Set Phase:Hold down “Rate” button. Display will read PH:01. You can scroll to different phase numbers using the arrow keys.
  • Once you are on the phase number you would like to program, press the “Volume” button. You are now in “Program Entry Mode”. The different program functions will appear in the display and you can scroll through them using the arrow buttons.
  • Press the “Volume” button again to exit “program entry mode”. You can now set up the parameters for the function that you have chosen for the phase.
  • When finished, hold down “Rate” again, and scroll to the next function. Continue programming.
  • Note: If pumping program does not operate the pump continuously, the last phase of the pumping program must be a ‘STOP’ function (unless the last phase number is the maximum phase # (41)).

Program Functions

rAtE   Pumping function with a fixed rate. Set “Rate”, “Volume” and “Pumping direction”. You can set for continuous pumping if “Volume” equals 0.

InCr   Increment rate function. This function allows you to set a single increment in which the base rate (the previous set rate) will increase.

dECr   Decrement rate function.Same as above, except you are decreasing base rate.

StOP   Stops the pumping operation.

Jp:nn   Jump function- pumping program will jump to phase “nn”.

Pr:In   Program selection input function. Use this function when you want to program in sublevels.

Pr:nn  This function will cause the pumping program pause and display, so the user can select a sub-program. After the sub=program is selected, the program will resume.

Pr:00   Sublevel. This function indicates a sublevel. You can program a sublevel by entering the sublevel number (e.g. Pr:01) and in next phase, enter the program itself (for example, a fixed-rate program).

LP:Stn  Start of a program loop.

LP:En   Continuous loop end. This function will be automatically paired with the most recent unpaired loop start, or phase 1 if no loop start is chosen.

LP:nn   Defined Loop end and Loop Repetitions (“nn” times). Like LP:En, except that you indicate the number of times the series will loop.
Note: You can create a loop within a loop (up to 3 layers deep).

PS:nn   Pause Pumping for nn seconds. A decimal point can be added between “nn” by holding down the right-most arrow button. You can make the pause longer than 99 seconds by putting the pause function in a program loop. If nn is 00, the program will pause until you press “Start/Stop”. It will then resume with the next phase.

IF:nn   Jump to Phase If External Trigger. This conditionally alters the Pumping Program’s execution based on an external signal (received through TTL I/O).

Et:nn   Event trigger Jump. Phase jump is triggered through falling edge delivered through foot pump connected to TTL-I/O, or the RS-232 ‘RUN E’ command. See pump manual for more details.

ES:nn   Event Square Wave Trigger jump Phase. Phase jump is triggered through either falling edge delivered through foot pump connected to TTL-I/O, or the RS-232 ‘RUN E’ command. See pump manual for more details.

Et:rS   Event reset. Cancels previously set event trap.

Tr:aa   Override Operational Trigger Configuration. Overrides the default setup TTL- I/O operational trigger configuration.

OUT.n   Set TTL Output pin. If “n”=0, the output pin will be set low. If “n”=1 the output pin will be set high.

bEEP   Sounds a short beep.

To insert a phase into an already existing program.   Select the phase after you want your phase inserted (e.g., if is to be inserted in between phase 25 and 25, select phase 25). Use the two left most arrow buttons to switch.

PH to In   Press the “Rate” button before the 2 second time out.

To delete a phase.   Select the phase you want deleted. Use the two left most arrow buttons to switch.

PH to De   Press the “Rate” button before the 2 second time out.


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