Review Submitted (Bead Lysis Kits)

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You might be interested in our new PrecisionPak™ kits – ideal for when your lab is preparing new types of samples.

PrecisionPak vs Other Methods


Comparison of PrecisionPak MAGneat DNA extraction kit and “Qompetitor” kit. Purified DNA from 30mg of various tissue samples were extracted either using PrecisionPak MAGneat DNA kit or “Qompetitor” kit, following manufacturer’s instructions. Extracted DNA samples were run on a 1% Agarose gel. M – 1 kb ladder.

PCR amplification from DNA isolated using PrecisionPak MAGneat Animal tissue kit. PCR amplification was performed to amplify a 900bp fragment of ACT1 gene. PCR products were run on a 1% Agarose gel. M – 100bp ladder.

Comparison of PrecisionPak MAGneat RNA extraction kit, “Qompetitor” kit and Trizol extraction method. Purified RNA from 30mg of various tissue samples or whole Drosophila were extracted using PrecisionPak MAGneat RNA or “Qompetitor” extraction kit, following manufacturer’s instructions or using the Trizol extraction method. Extracted RNA samples were analyzed using the Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer.  L – Ladder


One-step RT-qPCR amplification from RNA isolated using PrecisionPak MAGneat Animal tissue kit. Total RNA was extracted from chicken pectoral muscle and used as template for the dynamic range setup targeting GAPDH fragment. The reaction was set up using eight 10-fold serial dilutions (200 ng – 200 fg, six replicates at each concentration) of chicken total RNA. The amplification plot shows reproducibility and accuracy across a wide dynamic range.

The PrecisionPak simplifies sample preparation workflow. It is an optimized, complete solution for very high quality and high yield biomolecule extractions from many sample types. The PrecisionPak bundles together the bead lysis kits with the extraction kits and an optimized, step-by-step protocol, specific for your sample. It also includes additional reagents that you would typically have to purchase separately for higher quality biomolecules, such as a reagent to digest DNA from RNA samples and one to remove unwanted proteins.

  • All the components to homogenize samples, extract and purify high quality nucleic acids are available in one single package with a protocol that takes you from step 1 through the entire procedure.

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