Homogenizing with the Bullet Blender

Need help getting started using your Bullet Blender homogenizer? See this pdf guide. Would you like a visual guide to help optimize your protocols? Check out these instructional movies the Next Advance team created as an additional tool to help you get the best results possible. Have any questions about these movies or suggestions for new movies? Contact us at [email protected].

Beads for the Bullet Blender Homogenizer

  • Bead materials and uses
  • Bead sizes and applications
  • Bead Lysis Kits (bead combinations in pre-loaded tubes)

Homogenizing Soft Samples in the Bullet Blender


  • Examples of soft/medium consistency samples
  • Basic guidelines for microcentrifuge model Bullet Blenders
  • Preparing samples for homogenization
  • Loading the tubes
  • Operating the Bullet Blender

Homogenizing Tough Samples in the Bullet Blender


  • Examples of tough consistency samples
  • Basic guidelines for microcentrifuge model Bullet Blenders
  • Preparing samples for homogenization
  • Loading the tubes
  • Operating the Bullet Blender

Homogenizing Plants in the Bullet Blender


  • Types of plant tissues that can be homogenized in the Bullet Blender
  • Preparing samples for homogenization
  • Loading the tubes
  • Operating the Bullet Blender

Lysing Cell Cultures in the Bullet Blender Homogenizer


  • Preparing Samples for homogenization
  • Loading the tubes
  • Operating the Bullet Blender

Homogenizing samples using TRIzol® in the Bullet Blender


  • Buffer volume recommendations
  • Tips for homogenizing larger samples
  • Note about bead reactivity

Homogenizing Samples in the Bullet Blender 5


  • Basic guidelines for the Bullet Blender 5
  • Preparing Samples for homogenization
  • Loading the tubes
  • Operating the Bullet Blender

Homogenizing Samples in the Bullet Blender 50-DX


  • Basic guidelines for the Bullet Blender 50-DX
  • Preparing Samples for homogenization
  • Loading the tubes
  • Operating the Bullet Blender

Homogenizing Samples in the Bullet Blender Gold


  • Basic guidelines for the Bullet Blender Gold
  • Preparing Samples for homogenization
  • Loading the tubes
  • Operating the Bullet Blender

What to do after homogenization


  • What to do if your analyte is in the supernatant
  • What to do if you want to analyze the entire homogenate

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