Instructional Movies for the BlotBot

Instructional Movies for the Freedom Rocker™ BlotBot

Need help getting started using your BlotBot® automated Western Blot processor (see this pdf guide)? Would you like a visual guide to help optimize your efficiency? Check out these instructional movies the Next Advance team created as an additional tool to help you get the best results possible. Have any questions about these movies or suggestions for new movies? Contact us at [email protected].

How to Input a New Protocol into the BlotBot


  • Navigation of the BlotBot screens
  • How to input a new protocol
  • How to adjust settings
  • How to select antibody recovery

How to Flush the BlotBot


  • How tray pours to waste
  • How to prepare for a new run

How to Recover Reagents and Antibodies


  • Where to place conical tubes for antibody recovery

How to Insert BlotBot Tray


  • Correct orientation to insert tray

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