Video clips from robot manufacturers
An Opentrons OT-2 using the Checkit Go
An Integra Assist Plus using the Checkit Go, including flipping the well tabs automatically.
An ABLE Labs NOTABLE using the Checkit Go, including flipping the well tabs automatically.
A Formulatrix FLO i8 using the Checkit Go 5
Video clips from customers
A (PerkinElmer) Revvity Janus using the Checkit Go! The red dye is aspirated from the reservoir in the Checkit cartridge.
An Eppendorf EpMotion using the Checkit Go! The red dye is aspirated from a 96-well plate.
A Dynamic Devices Lynx, using the Checkit Go. With a protocol, it is possible to validate the 96-well head in 10 minutes, one 8-channel head at a time!
A Tecan Freedom Evo, using the Checkit Go! The red dye is aspirated from the reservoir in the Checkit cartridge.